
I like git, I hope you like it too. I like using the git flow branching model while developing new features or fixing undesired bugs in a stable version.

Sometimes while you’re starting a new feature, you forget changing your current branch and commit a change to the wrong branch (often develop). Sometimes while you’re starting a new feature, you forget changing your current branch and end up committing a change to the wrong branch (often develop).

Let’s walk through the steps required to move your latest commit from the wrong branch to the right one:

1.- Prerequisites

  • Create the repository with an initial content and create the develop branch.
bundle gem foo_bar
cd foo_bar
git commit -am "first commit"
git checkout -b develop
# modify version.rb file to increase the version number
git commit -am "bump version"
  • Create your feature branch
git branch feature/hello
git lg                                                                                                                                   
* d62b49a - (HEAD, feature/hello, develop) bump version - juandebravo (66 seconds ago)
* 9158f06 - (master) first commit - juandebravo (2 minutes ago)
  • Commit a change to develop (instead of your feature branch)
echo "require 'foo_bar/version'\n\nmodule FooBar\n  def self.hello(name)\n    print \"hello #{name}\"\n  end\nend" > lib/foo_bar.rb
git commit -am "add hello method"

WRONG! You commit to develop instead of feature/hello

git lg
* ecd59c3 - (HEAD, develop) add hello method - juandebravo (2 seconds ago)
* d62b49a - (feature/hello) bump version - juandebravo (40 minutes ago)
* 9158f06 - (master) first commit - juandebravo (40 minutes ago)

2.- Fix the wrong commit

  • Merge develop to your feature branch
git checkout feature/crud_users
git merge develop
git lg
* ecd59c3 - (HEAD, feature/hello, develop) add hello method - juandebravo (3 minutes ago)
* d62b49a - bump version - juandebravo (43 minutes ago)
* 9158f06 - (master) first commit - juandebravo (44 minutes ago)

Now you already have the change in your feature branch. Now it’s time to remove it from develop branch.

  • Remove the commit from develop branch
git checkout develop
git reset --hard HEAD~1
git lg
* ecd59c3 - (feature/hello) add hello method - juandebravo (4 minutes ago)
* d62b49a - (HEAD, develop) bump version - juandebravo (44 minutes ago)
* 9158f06 - (master) first commit - juandebravo (44 minutes ago)
  • That’s all!!

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